Thursday, September 10, 2009

Whats Up today?

I Shall do so much in years to come,
But what have I done today?
I shall give my gold in a princely sum,
But what did I give today?
I shall build a mansion in the sky,
But what did have I built today?
It's sweet in idle dreams to bash,
But if not I, who shall do the task?
Yes! this is the question each soul
must ask:
What have I done Today?

thats a great refrain isn't it?
when you think about it, today is the only
time you have to get anything done,
for there is no assurance...
You have tomorrow!!!


Anonymous said...

nice words....inspiring & thoughtful..

vinaya said...

Thank You Asad![:-)] Im glad U liked it

Anonymous said...

profound!!! the one of the best lines of meaningful-poetic words i've come across along with "invictus" and "if.."... nice work mi lady!!! hope you won't mind me saving and sharing this.:-)